
Triton X-100

Model Number IB07100


Triton X-100

Triton X-100 is a non-ionic detergent used to denature cell membranes without denaturing the protein. Triton X-100 breaks up protein aggregates to promote enzymatic activity. It is available in a 100 ml bottle. 

  • Physical Specifications
  • Certificate of Analysis
  • SDS
  • Technical Information

Physical Specifications:

Molecular Formula:C34H62O12
Molecular Weight:647 (Avg)
pH (5%, water):7.0 ± 1.0
Color APHA:Max. 100

Molecular Biology Specifications:

DNase assay:None Detected
RNase assay:None Detected
Protease assay:None Detected

IB07100 - Specification Sheet

SDS Link:

IB07100 - SDS

What is the impact of exposing triton to air?

As stated on the manufacturer’s label, “store under nitrogen to avoid degradation, which causes undesirable odor and color." Unfortunately, the exact reaction or degradation mechanism is not known to us. Typically though, we don’t see any issues within the 1 year time frame.

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