Now available: Pre-made gel filtration columns made of G25 or G50 Sephadex (R) saturated with either sterile TE or STE buffer.
Ready for: Buffer exchange, desalting and removal of unincorporated radiolabeled deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) from end-labeling reactions and fill-in labeling reactions utilizing a DNA polymerase.
All columns are DNase and RNase fee.
IBI Scientific's Select-D or Nu-Clean columns are packed with either G25 or G50 Sephadex(R) and saturated with sterile TE or STE buffer. The G25 columns are also ideal for rapid purification of oligoribonucleotides and RNA. The G25 columns are recommended for 12mer up to 72bp.
IBI Scientific's Select-D or Nu-Clean G50 columns are also packed with sterile TE or STE buffer. The G50 columns are also ideal for rapid purification of oligoribonucleotides and RNA that are greater than 72bp in length.
IBI Scientific's Spin Columns come in 3 different sample accommodation sizes:
Mini = 20ul sample
Midi = 50ul sample
Maxi = 100ul sample
Nu-Clean = 100ul sample
After brief centrifugation, the purified nucleic acid is recovered from the column without significant change in volume. Contact us today at or call 800-253-4942 with any questions!
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