Erlenmeyer Flask (Conical Flask):
- Perfect for mixing and heating liquids.
- Widely used in chemistry and biology labs
Pronunciation Guide:
Erlenmeyer flask pronunciation: "ER-len-my-er flask
Common Uses:
- Erlenmeyer flask use: Titrations, culturing microbes, and storing solutions.
- Erlenmeyer flask usage: Safe mixing of volatile substances, heating over a flame.
TUNAIR Erlenmeyer Flasks:
What makes IBI Scientific's new TUNAIR Flasks so special?
Here's a few reasons:
- Over 2x the yield for cell culture volume than other flasks
- Shorter, sleeker, slimmer cap that fits lab shakers
- Single Piece Cap
- Best Flasks on the market

If you would like to purchase the best flasks on the market, please click here. If you have any other questions or concerns, please call 1-800-253-4942 or email info@ibisci.com.