IBI’s LB Lennox Broth is used in molecular genetic studies. It is a nutritionally rich media for the growth and maintenance of pure cultures of recombinant strain of E. coli. The inclusion of casein peptone and yeast extract supplies essential growth factors to the E. coli bacterial culture; such as nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, minerals, and vitamins. Sodium chloride provides essential electrolytes.
- Item Description
- Physical Specifications
- Certificate of Analysis
- Technical Information
Additional Item Description:
To prepare, mix 20 g of the medium in 1 L of purified water until evenly dispersed. Heat with repeated stirring and boil for one minute to dissolve completely. Then, distribute and autoclave at 121.0⁰C for 15 minutes.
Store at room temperature, tightly sealed, and protect from moisture and light.
Key Details:
Physical Specifications:
pH (@ 25°C): 7.0 ± 0.2
NOTE: Grams per liter may be adjusted to obtain desired performance.
Molecular Biology Specifications:
Escherichia coli ATCC 23724: Growth
Escherichia coli ATCC 33694: Growth
Escherichia coli ATCC 33849: Growth
Escherichia coli ATCC 39403: Growth
Escherichia coli ATCC 47014: Growth
Escherichia coli ATCC 53868: Growth
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot_19C4004
LB Lennox Broth CofA- Lot_19D3012
LB Lennox Broth CofA- Lot_19D3002
LB Lennox Broth CofA- Lot_19I5011
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#20A3005
LB Lennox Broth CofA_-_Lot#20C5001
LB Lennox Broth CofA_-_Lot#20K3003
LB Lennox Broth CofA -_Lot#20L4022
LB Lennox Broth CofA_-_Lot#21D5004
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#21E2015
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#21E2025
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#22E4035
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#22E4003
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#22K3013
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#23C1023
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#23M4002
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#24C3014
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#24D3022
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#24G4014
LB Lennox Broth CofA - Lot#24J4011
Formula per Liter
● Casein Digest Peptone 10.0 gm
● Sodium Chloride 5.0 gm
● Yeast Extract 5.0 gm
● Mix 20 gm of the medium in 1 L of purified water until evenly dispersed.
● Heat with repeated stirring, and boil for one minute to dissolve completely.
● Distribute and autoclave at 121.0°C for 15 minutes.
Recommended Use
IBI’s LB Lennox Broth is used in molecular genetic studies. It is a nutritionally rich media for the growth and maintenance of pure cultures of recombinant strains of E.coli. The inclusion of casein peptone and yeast extract supply essential growth factors, such as nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, minerals and vitamins. Sodium chloride also provides essential electrolytes.
Store at room temperature. Keep tightly sealed. Protect from moisture and light.
Irritant. Irritating to the eyes, respiratory system, and skin. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, and eye/face protection. See Material Safety Data Sheet for additional information.