
Methylene Blue

Model Number IB74050


Methylene Blue is a recommended stain for agarose gels when recovery of DNA is required. The benefit of using methylene blue (rather than ethidium bromide) is the ability to use a white light box for visualization and photography in place of a UV light box. Using a white light box eliminates mutations that may affect the integrity of the isolated DNA.

  • Staining DNA & Additional Details
  • Physical Specifications
  • Certificate of Analysis
  • SDS
  • Technical Information

Methylene Blue Details:

  • DISCLAIMER: IBI Scientific Methylene Blue is NOT for human consumption. It is for lab usage only!
  • Used to stain agarose gels when recovery of DNA is required.
  • Cannot be shipped to a personal residence.
  • contains 99.54% pure dye content.
  • For more details on Methylene Blue, please click here to view our blog.

How To Stain DNA:

To stain DNA, stain a 1% gel for 15 min with 0.02% methylene blue solution in distilled water. De-stain with distilled water for 15 minutes.

To stain RNA bonded to nylon or nitrocellulose membranes, soak the dried membrane in 5% acetic acid at room temperature for 15 minutes. Then, place the filter in 0.5 M sodium acetate (pH 5.2) and 0.04% methylene blue for 5 – 10 minutes at room temperature. To de-stain, rinse the filter in water for 5 – 10 minutes.

Physical Specifications:

Formula Weight:373.9
Molecular Formula:C16H18CIN3S x 3(H2O)
Em (661 nm, water):>69,000
Moisture Max.:15.0%
Dye Content (Dry Basis):98 - 103% (The Dye Content can be considered a purity specification)

IB74050 - Specification Sheet

SDS Link:

IB74050 - SDS

Recommended Use:

Methylene Blue is a recommended stain for agarose gels when recovery of DNA is required. The benefit of using Methylene Blue (rather than ethidium bromide) is the ability to use a white light box for visualization and photography in place of a UV light box. Using a white light box eliminates mutations that may affect the integrity of the isolated DNA.
1. Stain a 1% gel for 15 minutes with 0.02% Methylene Blue Solution in distilled water.
2. De-stain with distilled water for 15 minutes.

Used for staining RNA that is bonded to nylon and nitrocellulose membranes.
1. Soak the dried filter in 5% acetic acid at room temperature for 15 minutes.
2. Place the filter in 0.5 M Sodium Acetate (pH 5.2) and 0.04% Methylene Blue for 5-10 minutes at room temperature.
3. Rinse the filter in water for 5-10 minutes.

Purity of Methylene Blue:

The purity of methylene blue is stated as Dye Content as measured on a dry basis. The Dye Content for IBI Methylene Blue is 98% - 103%.

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